========================== ::::: About Fireclip ::::: ========================== Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Teh Ming Han (teh_minghan+@+hotmail+dot+com) For more information, visit http://fireclip.googlepages.com ------------------ Fireclip includes: ------------------ - Icons from the Tango Desktop Project [http://tango-project.org/Tango_Desktop_Project], which are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/]. - Icons from the Silk Icon Set 1.3 [http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk], which are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/]. - MooTools [http://mootools.net/] JavaScript Framework, which is released under the Open Source MIT License [http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php]. - json2.js [http://www.JSON.org/json2.js], which is in the public domain. See [http://www.JSON.org/js.html] for more information. ====================== ::::: Change Log ::::: ====================== Fireclip 0.2.3 -------------- - Added fadeRow effect - Wrapped "loose" common vars and functions Fireclip 0.2.2 -------------- - Added "contentaccessible=yes" flag to make Fireclip work in Firefox 3 RCs & Final releases. Fireclip 0.2.1 -------------- - Fixed display problems. - Fixed firstrun bug (gettingstarted.xml does not load) in Firefox 2. - Video tutorial @ http://blip.tv/file/837452 Fireclip 0.2.0 -------------- - Added "Open Link in New Tab" - Added localisation support for Gallery. - Change toolbar icons. Fireclip 0.2b1 -------------- - Added gettingstarted.xml for first time users (will show upon upgrade/install) - Gallery display improvements - Clip creation is now on client side. - Added json2.js for Gallery use - Icon for Fireclip! - Moved appropriate res into skin folder - Tree context menu - show/hide all + del + prop - Centralise clip iff one clip is displayed Fireclip 0.2a3 -------------- - Added localisation support for user guide. Fireclip 0.2a2 -------------- - Added localisation support for js alert msgs, using fireclip.properties and attachInspector.properties.js - Introduced extensions.fireclip.purgeData pref to drop table - Added 4 more cols to table fireclip. Relative positioning with XPath support - Added clip properties dialog box. Choice of not using XPath. - Fixed bug which passed incorrect XPath to initX. - Changed Gallery background. Now uses MetaBoldLF-Roman font. Fireclip 0.2a1 -------------- - Changed from listbox to tree. - Use fireclip.sqlite to store data instead of pref. No longer use json.js - http://fireclip.googlepages.com - Changed background image - Introduced XPath Support (No way to turn off XPath) - Changed Gallery background and color theme. Fireclip 0.1 ------------ - Basic version. Clip fixed using positionings.